CA Deepankar Samaddar

ca deepankar

NBFC P2P Lending Platform – The New Age Future Banking and Financing

What is the Future in Financing .
Definitely the Disruption in Financing.
The greatest taboo is arrangement of funds for the Finance Business. But what if we can arrange funds from public and provide Finance to Needy and People with right use and repayable capacity. People are searching for ways and means for getting funds from Public. It is because RBI is not giving any license for NBFC – with power to accept deposits from Public.

Also there are restrictions for getting shareholdings with maximum number of members @ 200 Nidhi Company also can take deposit from public but the Finance products are limited to Gold Loan and Mortgage Loan basically. Also the business cannot extend beyond state.

Thus there is a GREAT LIFETIME SOLUTION for all these things & i.e. P2P (PEER TO PEER ) Lending License from RBI We provide platform – Preferably through Online Software – to People who have nominal investible fund. Then we can source eligible and interested persons who wants loan .

Here the person providing funds gets more interest than Bank and the Loan received gets loan at less interest rate than private money lending ….. There are lot more benefits of P2P Finance. We @ our organization want to help everyone for FINANCE Business development & getting growth and benefits.

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