CA Deepankar Samaddar


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Business Coaching & Consultancy

We are the next Highly Skilled Business partners of our clients being their Business Strategy Builder, Personal Coach, Leadership Coach, Strategy coach, BusinesBuilders , Business Planners, Implementors and their Welwishers in positive action. We help our clients for building, developing, growing Vision, goals , ideas and dreams and make them come to reality and Stretch them to participate and hold right amount of credit and stories of Success during this building of the Castle. We are always improving the best we did and make it happen for our Clients. We believe that ‘WE ARE THERE TO HELP IN THE MOST ACTIVE AND POSITIVE MANNER FOR OUR CLIENTS’.
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Training & Motivation

We believe that every business, skill needs continuous updation and fire to be ready to take action for all the goals and strategies. Training improves and enhances the possibilities of feeling good about what you plan to execute and believe that it can happen. Our Training and Motivation will we helping create the courage and will to develop and grow exponentially. We feel very very powerful while Training and Guiding our Clients and their team and we Transfer the enthusiasm to them for carrying the light.

Finance Business Consultancy (NBFC – RBI , NIDHI , MF & OTHERS)

Since last 17 years of CA. & Business Coach practice, Finance business is one of the most Powerful and most needed knowledge which I had developed. I had always had a vision to help the unregistered money lenders, registered finance business , customers and consultants for empowering with knowledge , implementable ideas , rules , regulations, management , funding matters , sourcing of customers , Marketing , Team Building ,customer feedback management, business strategy and management implementation support for exponential growth . We provide Consultancy and Training of NBFC – RBI, NIDHI, MICROFINANCE , SAHUKARI (MONEY LENDING) & all forms of Finance Business by way of VALUED Consultancy on Appointment Basis and /or Regular Consultancy for continuous Growth & Success.
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MLM (Networking) Consultancy

We had formed and guided more than 2000 MLM Companies in these Long 17 years experience. We are very much Expert of all the rules and regulations, legality , power of MLM business, Team Building , Motivational Seminars , Team Success Programmes, Training of Company directors, Training of Leaders, Funding Meeting and all kinds of MLM Programmes . We had been able to do 2100 + Seminars and Consultancy for MLM Companies. We feel very enthusiastic with the idea and though process of developing and Networking Business as we all know and believe that ‘YOUR NETWORK IS YOUR NETWORTH’. We are always glad to listen from anyone who is having a Vision for Long Term Growth in this Lucrative Field.

HR System Development & Consultancy

Whatever we do is our effort and we can do it upto maximum of our individual capacity. We all know that growing in Length & Width will need us to develop Team for our business. We help organisations to build or restructure HR SYSTEM, HR POLICIES, HR PROCESSES , HR DOCUMENTATION , HR SCRIPTS, HR RECRUITMENT & RETENTION PROCESS, HR TRAINING , HR STRATEGIES CONSULTING and doing everything to make lot of Avengers(Team Members) to find their dreams connected to you and your organsiation to reach at the VISION & GOAL.
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Business Automation & Business Auto-pilot Consultancy

Our business is routine till we don’t educate , train and off-load rightfully our loads which we are carrying right now due to any reasons including costs, I can Do it attitude& more. We help you to achieve Business System development, Business Process Development , Activities & Tools planning , Testing of effectiveness of tools with speed – ease & results, Training the management , directors and team regarding the complete picture and what is necessary and help in Implementation in a smooth manner and achieve your goals super fast in Long run. Business Auto-Pilot is the state where we take our client while working and helping them continuously. We always look for better ways to workout what is worth it at practically low cost and automated manner.

IPR- Intellectual Property Rights (Trademark, Copyrights & Patents)

The best property which a business can develop is their Trust and Brand over a period of time. But we help our clients to register , build , protect their name , Trademark, Copyright and Patent , provide legal support at helping achieving them what is their only.
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Business Plan Development & Implementation

We all want to do everything in our life with Design and not by Default. If we are not not planning then we are finding our keys – not where it is lost i.e. darkness – but at bright place where we cannot find our keys. So, we help our clients to build Short Term, Medium Term & Long – Term BUSINESS PLANS which were Flexible enough to accept the changes and dynamic situations and provide the best outcomes and sometimes better than expected results. We create the Milestones for the Plan and make reaching the Planned success a Joyful journey.

Startup Consultancy

I truly understand what a startup means , needs and how and what are their possibilities and how to help them build over their ideas . We help our Startup clients in Finding out the Right Registrations of Company , Registration of their IPR (Trademark, Copyright , Patents & more), Government and other registrations, Subsidies , Grants , Project Reports, Pitch Deck, Funding Documentation , Research of ideas, Validation of ideas, Resource connectivity, Strategy development, Business Plan, Feasibility Plan and we also conduct meeting for funding on or with our clients for Angel Funding , Venture Capital & other Fundings.
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Strategic Management Consultancy

Management is inside to the organization and the knowledge and experience of management may often need support and Expert knowledge to develop and grow various functions of the organization including Marketing , Product development , Services development , Expansion, Takeover , Merger , Association, Franchise development , Branches opening , Sales and Branding Strategy , Training and lot more. We are glad to help and grow the management leadership in the organization.

Branding Consultancy

We help our client to develop brand as a part of great trust and build it over commitment , help and awareness which is creating positive effect and impact on the life of the customers and thus the company will have advantage in the market for growing and expanding with Goddwill and pride.
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Company Law Matters

We are experts in company law matters which gives our client an edge over other BUSINESS COACH as we can see all the angles clearly which is needed. Our services includes
Incorporation Services
Compliances related to filing of returns
Various compliances relating to management and administration
Compliances related to appointment of managerial personnel
Registration of Charges
Compliance related to buy back of shares
Valuation of business and shares
Compliances related to foreign companies
Advising corporates on amalgamations and mergers
Representing companies in Company Law Board and in the office of Regional Director(s) and other appropriate forums

CA Services

We provide services including Taxation, Audit , GST, RBI , SEBI, CBDT, Departmental Liasoning , Internal control system , Accounting Manuals & all kinds of Compliance Services .
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